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Contact Center into a Strategic Asset in the Insurance Industry

Leveraging Digital Engagement to Transform the Contact Center into a Strategic Asset

In recent years, insurance carriers have invested significantly in digital self-service capabilities to improve customer and agent experiences. However, when those individuals need support, they are still forced to pick up the phone or send an email, disrupting their digital journey.

As leaders in the insurance industry, it’s time we view the contact center strategically – not just as a cost center, but an opportunity to drive value. By meeting customers where they are digitally and enabling seamless transitions between self-service and agent-assisted service, carriers can transform the contact center into a core competitive advantage.

Here are three ways digital engagement can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and strengthen loyalty:

  1. Improve routing and first contact resolution by initiating assistance directly from the digital touchpoint. This eliminates repeat explanations and transfers.
  2. Reduce handle time by cutting authentication steps and leveraging tools like real-time visual context. Agents gain immediate insights into the issue and can begin helping faster.
  3. Boost loyalty by enabling convenient digital engagement channels like chat, video, and voice right within self-service applications. No more frustrating transitions between channels.

These capabilities not only provide a seamless, omnichannel experience, they also drive significant operational efficiencies:

  • 10-20% increase in first contact resolution
  • 15-30% decrease in average handle time
  • Improved Net Promoter Score and CSAT

Better yet, digital engagement channels have been proven to handle 20-40% more concurrent interactions per agent, further optimizing staffing costs.

The numbers speak for themselves – digital engagement solutions generate measurable ROI. As leaders at the forefront of insurance innovation, the time is now to treat the contact center as a value creator, not just as a cost center. Let’s discuss how we can digitally transform service at your organization.

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